Our press office is on hand to answer all you questions.

For more information, personalized responses to your information requests or for assistance in organizing your reports in Lyon, please contact our press officer.
[email protected]

ONLYLYON Tourisme et Congrès 
Place Bellecour - BP 2254 
69214 Lyon cedex 02 - France
Phone: +33 (0)4 72 77 05 12

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Lyon City Card
Culture and leisure pass

Lyon City Card

The essential pass to cultural activities in Lyon: museums, guided tours, boat cruises and more!.

Visiter Lyon
Start exploring the city with


Leisure cruise, guided tours, wine tours, etc.



Are you a tour operator, a travel agent, a coach company or a receptive operator? We are your privileged contact!

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Press Section

Are you a journalist? If so, please feel free to contact our press team - they will be happy to welcome you.

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Business tourism

Looking for a new destination for your next convention, tradeshow or corporate event?

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Are you travelling as part of a group? Would you like a customized programme? Tour with professionals who have expert knowledge of their city and a passion for its history!

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